
Arrow Street Arts, Inc. Privacy Policy

Arrow Street Arts, Inc. Privacy Policy

Arrow Street Arts, Inc. d/b/a Arrow Street LLC (individually and collectively, “ASA”) is committed to respecting and protecting personal privacy rights when visiting any page of our Website, http://arrowstarts.org (the “Site”). ASA has adopted this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) to inform Site Users (each, a “User”) about how the Site collects, stores, uses, maintains information collected from Users. By visiting the Site or using any of our Services, User indicates your acceptance of, and agreement with, the terms and conditions of this Policy

Information We Collect About You

We collect information about you directly from you and from third parties, as well as automatically through your use of our Site.

Personal Data
We may collect personal data directly from Users in a variety of ways such as when Users register on the Site, place an order, fill out a form, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personal data. However, doing so may affect parts of the service which rely on that data. For additional terms related to Users making philanthropic contributions to ASA, please see our Donor Privacy Policy.

We may collect information about Users from our third party service providers, such as ticketing agencies who sell tickets for events at ASA’s venue, or providers of services that are available on our Site. For example, if you provide this information when you purchase tickets through one of our third party ticketing agencies, we may receive information about your name, address, email address, phone number, and the type of device you used to make the purchase.

Anonymous Data
We may collect non-personal data about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Examples of the types of anonymous information we collect include URL's or addresses of the web pages you visit while at our web sites, the IP address assigned to your computer or mobile device (or as generated by your Internet service provider), information about the type of computer, the type of browser you are using and its configuration, and other technical about Users’ means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information. This type of information is used for statistical purposes, to help us improve our web Site content and navigation. It is collected for all Site Users automatically.

Tracking and Cookies

Our Site uses functions such as “cookies” to track information and for record-keeping purposes which will influence the experience of that User, for instance by providing more relevant marketing. Users may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert them when cookies are being sent. If they do so, some parts of the Site may function differently. If any part of the Site fails to function because of this, please let us know.

How We Use Your Information

We may collect and use Users’ personal information for the following purposes:

How We Protect Your Information

We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our Site.

Sensitive and private data exchange between the Site and its Users happens over a SSL secured communication channel and is encrypted and protected with digital signatures. Please be aware that despite these measures, no data security measures can guarantee 100% security. You should take steps to protect against unauthorized access to your password, computer, and mobile devices. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or compromised passwords or for any activity on your account via unauthorized password activity.

Data Sharing

We do not sell, trade, or rent Users’ personally identifiable information to others. We may share generic aggregated demographic information (but not personal data) with our affiliates and business partners for marketing, advertising, research, or similar purposes. We use third party service providers to help us operate our business and the Site or administer activities on our behalf, such as sending out newsletters or surveys. We may share your information with these third parties for those purposes.

If you purchase tickets to a show that is being presented, promoted, or co-promoted by a third party under a licensing agreement with ASA, ASA will supply personal and transactional information to licensee, as transactions made for such events are enacted on the licensees’ behalf via ASA’s ticket services.

We may also share your information, including personal information, in the following circumstances:

Giving You Control

You can have access to your data and update your preferences by logging in and changing them. Alternatively, you can email us or write to us to request changes (see Contact Us section below).

Where a User consents to receive marketing communications from us by opting-in to our mailing list, they will receive emails that may include company news, updates, related product or service information, etc. Users may unsubscribe at any time by contacting us or using the link at the bottom of these emails. If you opt-out of receiving emails about recommendations or other information we think may interest you, we may still send you e-mails about your account or any Services you have requested or received from us.

In the case of a User purchasing a product from us, we contractually require some personal data in order to complete the transaction and provide key information. Once the contract has been fulfilled (for instance, after you have attended a play or once your membership expires), we will normally keep your data because we believe you may be interested in returning to us for a similar product, but you may change these preferences at any time.

Contact Us

If you have questions about the privacy aspects of our Site or Services or would like to make a complaint, please contact us at info@arrowstarts.org. If by postal mail: 2 Arrow Street, Cambridge, MA 02138.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may change this Policy at any time. We will post all changes to this Policy on this page and will indicate the modified policy's effective date here.

We therefore encourage you to refer to this page on an ongoing basis so that you are aware of our current privacy policy. Your continued use of Services constitutes your agreement to the Policy as modified.

Last Updated: August 25, 2023

Arrow Street Arts, Inc. Donor Privacy Policy

All personally identifiable information concerning donors or prospective donors to Arrow Street Arts, Inc. (“ASA”), including their names, addresses and telephone numbers, the names of their beneficiaries, the amount of their gift, etc., shall not be shared by ASA or its staff, unless written permission is obtained from the donor to share such information. In addition, at no time will ASA or its staff sell, trade, or rent. Donors’ personally identifiable information.